Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Currently: December 2015

Reading... The Good Luck Girls of Shipwreck Lane by Kelly Harms. I'll be starting it on Friday. I abandoned the last book I was reading, Lighthouse Bay
Playing... nothing. 
Watching... nothing new. I still need to catch up on Limitless and a few new movies. Oh, but I have been watching Flea Market Flip this past weekend. 
Trying... to get a better job...still. I have a VERY part time job as a substitute teacher at my mom's school. But it's VERY part time and I only work if they need me.
Cooking... less. I was planning on cooking for Christmas but I was under the weather. 
Eating... a lot this holiday season. 
Drinking... water. Besides, OJ in the morning and an occasional smoothie from Panera, I only drink water. 
Calling... no one. 
Texting... my boyfriend. I don't text many people. 
Pinning... frugal tips. 
Tweeting... random things; freebies, giveaways, etc. 
Going...  nowhere. I went to school to sub for a few days earlier this month and now for the past 2 weeks, except Christmas I've been stuck in the house sick.
Loving... my boyfriend like always :) 
Hating... that I haven't been feeling well. I'm getting over a sinus infection and a stuffy ear filled with fluid. 
Discovering... that a car may benefit me and that I definitely need to start saving to get my own place. I need to get out of this rut and advance in my life. 
Thinking... about my future. 
Feeling... sick for a few weeks now. 
Hoping (for)... a better 2016. 2015 has been rough. 
Listening (to)... nothing in particular. 
Celebrated... Christmas Eve and day with my mom's family. 
Smelling... nothing. 
Ordering... nothing. 
Considering... nothing. 
Starting... nothing. 
Finishing... 2015.

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